April - June 2020

Special note from the M4EG Secretariat on the situation regarding COVID-19

Dear Signatories, Partners,

Stakeholders… Friends!

The past three months have been marked by the most unprecedented restrictions put in place nationally and internationally to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In these challenging circumstances, many of our partners and signatories had to suspend their routine activities targeted at ensuring economic growth, and focus their resources on addressing the immediate crisis.

We are proud to present you some stories from the field, which provide a vivid example of local anti-COVID-19 efforts and contributions. We thank our EU4Business partners for their efforts covering the stories.

Docs in beekeeper suits: EU team helps the Dolyna hospital in Ukraine

C Bot ChatBot with AI keeps Georgian businesses informed during pandemic

Baranivka, Ukraine - Mayors for Economic Growth project provides 3D printers, sewing machines, and tools to produce PPE for local hospitals to fight against COVID-19.

Acting members

COVID-19 Impact Assessment has been conducted among M4EG Acting members.

Meanwhile, the M4EG Secretariat has also been working on adjusting its services to the new reality and understanding the new challenges that M4EG Signatories are facing.

We have conducted a massive assessment covering 216 M4EG Acting members (member municipalities which have an approved Local Economic Development Plan) from all the participating countries.


M4EG-World Bank Training Courses for Signatories are being digitalized.

Year 2020 with “Mayors for Economic Growth” was initially planned to be rich in capacity-building activities for Signatories, including multiple trainings provided by World Bank specialists. Support to SMEs, public investment management, finding a competitive niche in the IT, Tourism, and Agricultural sectors – this is the list of pre-approved topics for training events to be offered to the Signatories in the region.


Working on Tourism development at the time of pandemic? Crazy or smart?

Many M4EG Signatories have been using the involuntary pause in tourism activities to think, re-think, and strategise how to develop and promote their tourism destinations more effectively. Please find two stories from Moldova at the links below:

M4EG Pioneer project in Gagauzia works on creating trademarks and brands for traditional local products

M4EG helps Moldovan municipalities understand their tourism potential better

The "Mayors for Economic Growth" Secretariat has asked its member municipalities in Georgia to share interesting solutions and approaches they have used to help their local economy grow.

Here’s what we got in response. Enjoy!

Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG) is an Initiative of the European Union, which was set in operation in January 2017 within the Eastern Partnership framework. The overall goal of the project is to support Mayors and municipalities of the Eastern Partnership countries to become active facilitators for economic growth and job creation at the local level.

Mayors for Economic Growth Secretariat, Central office
(Tbilisi, Georgia):

61 Aghmashenebeli Ave., I Floor, 0102, Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone number:
+995 324 45 745
Email address:
© European Union
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the M4EG Secretariat and can in no way
be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.