The “Mayors for Economic Growth” Steering Committee meeting convenes for the 3d time: Defining the Way Forward

On 25 June 2019, Tbilisi hosted the 3d annual meeting of the M4EG Steering Committee members from the six participating countries, representing the line ministries, associations of local authorities, representatives of grant projects, as well as representatives of the Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations at the European Commission, the World Bank, the M4EG Secretariat team and the members of the implementing Consortium.

As it has become traditional for this meeting, the participants were updated on the progress and results of the Initiative implementation to date. It must be noted that, in its third year of implementation, the Initiative has so far surpassed all the initially set targets and has shown overwhelming success, mobilizing over 300 Signatories in the region.

The key question now is how to render good quality support services to such a huge signatory base, and what the continuation of the M4EG Initiative after 2020 should focus on. The representatives of the European Commission have once again confirmed that the continuation will follow, and encouraged the stakeholders to come up with suggestions and recommendations for the next phase.

The Minutes of the 3d Steering Committee meeting are available here