LED Officers from the Republic of Moldova are presenting their progress in the LED Plans elaboration

13 February 2018

On 13-14 February 2018, the EU Initiative “Mayors for Economic Growth” Secretariat held the second training module for the elaboration of the Local Economic Development Plans for its Signatories.

21 LED officers (representatives of the Local Authorities and of the Regional Development Agencies) presented the progress they made in initiating the process of strategic planning in their municipalities, especially the achievements and challenges while setting up the local economic development partnerships and conducting the local economy analysis.

Most of the signatories have succeeded in ensuring engagement with the local economic actors, with the business sector comprising at least 50% of the local economic partnership members. The participants also presented the results of the analysis of their local economy, with the common challenges seemingly being lack of qualified labour force and out-migration.

As the next step, the participants of the training explored the specifics of conducting a SWOT analysis, and developing a vision and objectives for their future plans.

During the event Mrs. Iva Stamenova, a project manager at the EU Delegation, handed over the membership certificate to the newest signatory to the Initiative – Criva municipality.
