The M4EG Initiative takes a broader outreach during Europe Day celebrations across the region

21 May 2019

Annual Europe Day celebrations in early May have become a tradition in the majority of the Eastern Partnership countries. In 2019, which is also the 10th anniversary year of the Eastern Partnership, M4EG country teams aretaking part in a series of dedicated events in their respective countries from early May to late June. The M4EG Secretariat members and representatives of M4EG Pioneer Projects will work together to showcase the M4EG implementation results, and promote European approaches to local economic development.


The Europe Day celebrations in Moldova were officially launched on 11 May in Chisinau with a solemn opening ceremony attended by the EU Ambassador in Moldova, the Prime Minister, and the heads of diplomatic representations of the EU countries in Moldova.

The tents by the embassies of the EU countries, EU-funded technical assistance projects, and national public institutions formed the core of the European village info-fair open to the public, which featured the culture and the gastronomy of the EU countries, technical assistance projects, the school of European languages, Urban vibe zone, kids’ zone and much more.

The M4EG Country team for Moldova and the representatives of the M4EG Pioneer Projects also spent the Saturday working in the European village, and their tent attracted over 600 visitors during the day.

The visitors received information on the Eastern Partnership framework and the EU assistance to Moldova, they took quizzes, offered opinions on pertinent questions of local economic development and the role of local authorities in it, engaged in discussions on the economic future of their localities. Some activities for schoolchildren and families with kids were also organized.

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The M4EG country team also joined theEurope day dedicated eventin Balti (May 16) and is planning to take part in the regional conference on “EU support for Regional Development”, held in Cimislia on 23 May. The M4EG country coordinator is invited to moderate the panel on “Boosting local economic development by increasing the regional competitiveness”.


On May 18, Kyiv was also celebrating. The M4EG team for Ukraine in cooperation with two M4EG Pioneer Projects, implemented by Nove Misto and Dolyna were hosting a tent at the so-called EU village, and welcomed visitor explaining what the M4EG Initiative is about, and how it can change peoples’ lives through projects in small towns and municipalities, where there is a committed, transparent, and business friendly administration.

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On May 26 Yerevan was in a festive mood. Residents of the capital were celebrating the European Union day in the heart of the city, the Northern Avenue. The M4EG country team for Armenia along with the EU4Sevan Pioneer Project team was participatingin the dedicated info fair for the first time.

The teams had preparededucational quizzes about the European Unionand the Eastern Partnership Initiative, the Armenian economyin general, and also about Gegharkunik marz and Sevanin particular, as it is there where the Pioneer project is being implemented. The teams had prepared EU-branded reward gifts for the guests who answered the questions correctly. 

At the background, the promotional M4EG animation and a short presentation of Sevan Project were being screened. The M4EG booth was never in lacking visitors’ attention, and attracted approximately 250attendees during the day, with almost everybody participating and took their “small pieces of EU” with them.

The EU Ambassador to Armenia, H.E. Piotr Świtalski, also stoppedby the M4EG booth and had a short exchange with the teams.

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