Caucasus University and Initiative “Mayors for Economic Growth” are launching cooperation

05 մարտի 2019


On 23 February 2019 a 5-day training for students started at Caucasus University in Tbilisi in the frameworks of the EU Initiative “Mayors for Economic Growth” (M4EG).

The main goal of the training is to introduce the students from Caucasus School of Governance(CSG) and Caucasus School of Economics(CSE) to the methodology of preparing a Local Economic Development Plan (LEDP) and to raise their awareness on the European practice related to local economic development. Meetings with local and foreign experts will be arranged both in Georgian and English languages.

Students selected in the frameworks of the cooperation will get acquainted with activities of the municipalities in the Eastern Partnership countries working on the Local Economic Development Plans. Upon successful completion of the training, the participants will have an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge into practice via internship with the M4EG Initiative and will be involved in the LEDP development process in Georgian municipalities. Successful students will be awarded by certificates after their internship.

 “I came here to introduce you to the best international practices of economic development of municipalities and discuss the challenges that Georgian municipalities face; to help you find colleagues and partners for economic development of our cities, villages and regions; and contribute to local economic growth in Georgia, no matter whether you will be employed in private or public sector”, – stated Zviad Archuadze, Country Coordinator for Georgia and Azerbaijan at EU Initiative “Mayors for Economic Growth”, in the beginning of the training.