Launch of the Pioneer Project in Gori Municipality

12 մարտի 2018

On the12th of March, a public presentation of European Union’s “Mayors for Economic Growth” Pioneer Project“Empowering Local Economic Opportunities for Sustainable Growth” was heldat Gori Municipality Cultural Centre.

The event was attended byhigh-level officials of Gori Municipality, the Administration of State Representative – Governor of ShidaKartli, representatives of the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia and the “Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG)” Secretariat, as well as representatives of local small and medium businesses.

During the presentation representatives of the local government underscored the importance of the project for the municipality. The Mayor of Gori Municipality KonstantineTavzarashvili thanked the European Union for supporting such a large and significant project.

Gori Municipality received 1 800 000GEL of grant funding from the European Union for implementing the projectunder the Call for Proposals within the framework of the Mayors for Economic Growth Initiative. The total budget of the project is 2 087 991, 36GEL, with Gori Municipality contributing to the project budget 287 991, 36 GEL.

The duration of the project is 28 months and it will be completed in 2020. The goal of the project is to contribute to creation of new local economic development opportunities for sustainable economic growth in Gori Municipality. The action aims to support small and medium entrepreneurs (SME) in tourism sector through improving their capacities and building local partnership between the public and private sectors; developing youth/students’ skills in tourism business to increase their employability, and making the city more attractive for the visitors,as well as attracting more investment into the tourism sector through creation and development the tourism related hard and soft infrastructure.

The event was concluded by the Team Leader of the "Mayors for Economic Growth" Initiative Peter Korsby handing over a symbolic certificate to the Mayor KonstantineTavzarashvili, to recognize Gori municipality as a member of the M4EGClub, and wished success to the municipality in the project implementation.


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