
ხელმოწერის თარიღი
01 აგვისტო 2017
Hryhoriy Vanzuryak
მოსახლეობის რაოდენობა:
მოქმედი წევრი
ეკონომიკური განვითარების წარმომადგენელი:
Nelya Malko
Malko2005@ukr.net; +380503740872
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Hlyboka is a settlement of the urban type in Chernivtsi region, the center of the Hlyboka Local Territorial Community, the center of the Hlyboka district. It is located in the southwestern part of the region, 30 km from Chernivtsi.

Hlyboka united territorial community of Chernivtsi region with an administrative center in the village of Hlyboka was established in November, 2015. The united territorial community includes the following settlements: the town of Hlyboka, the village of Mikhailivka, the village of Chervona Dibrova.

The population of the community is 10903 people.

On the territory of the community there are: the center for providing primary medical care, three medical and obstetrical stations, Hlyboka gymnasium and lyceum, three general educational institutions of the I - III degrees, two general educational institutions of the I - II degrees, 15 cultural establishments, and a physical culture institution. More than 2 thousand business entities were registered on the territory of community, including 15 enterprises.
The agriculture, although in a border region, remains the main economic factor in the development of the community.